而之所以采用了混合动力和不是纯电动,是因为贝尔认为当今的电池技术无法提供足够大的电容,来为这款空中出租车提供需要的速度、里程、起飞频率等等。Nexus设计最高速度为240km/h,单程最大续航里程同样为240km,总重量大约在2721kg左右,计划中在预计几年后将Nexus投入运营的贝尔公司,目前还找不到可以满足这些需求的电池供应。 但其实这240km看起来已经非常远了,甚至已经可以从北京来回天津了,这对于主打城市范围内的空中出租车来说显得非常足够了。但事实上据美国相关工程师表示,即便是一单50km左右单程的行程,也基本要求飞行器有像Nexus这样240km的续航了。
在整个机翼和巨大的螺旋桨之下,是一个非常类似贝尔Jet Ranger的机舱,可以乘坐4-5个人,满足主流的乘坐人数需求。Nexus主要针对短途运输,更加强调舒适性,这也是它增加了固定机翼的另一个原因,乘客会拥有一个与传统商务飞机更加相似的体验。 看视频: 这可不是什么初创公司的头脑一热 贝尔公司是一家1935年就成立的老牌直升机制造商,从40年代就开始为军方生产直升机,首款倾转旋翼机美军著名的V-22“鱼鹰”也是由贝尔公司和波音公司合作生产的。从2017年开始,贝尔公司还成为了Uber在未来发展UberAir空中飞行出租车计划下的供应商。所以,Nexus或许也将成为Uber的首款飞行汽车。
English version
The Bell Nexus flight vehicle uses a hybrid system that uses a turbo (shaft) engine to drive a high-power generator, which is then distributed to six ducted rotor motors, with batteries for power storage and buffering. The power generation system can generate up to 600kw of power, and has a good margin for the aircraft with this take-off weight to cope with strong winds and other disturbances. The announced cruising range is about 240km. It can be converted from flight speed for at least one hour. This parameter is far better than the 20 minutes of Yihang 184, which is close to the practical level.
The system uses a single-turbine engine that powers six motors and batteries, and the engine can then drive six 2.43-meter diameter fans together with the power in the battery. These six tilting ducted fans are Bell's signature tilting rotor design, so vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) can also be achieved. Each rotor can be directly connected to six motors separately, and since the electric energy can also be supplied by the battery, the turbine engine can work independently of the rotor. When the aircraft is on the ground, for example, the engine can still work while the fan blades are stationary. , eliminating the process of engine acceleration before each takeoff.
The reason for the hybrid and not pure electric is that Bell believes that today's battery technology can not provide enough capacitance to provide the speed, mileage, take-off frequency and so on for this air taxi. The Nexus has a maximum speed of 240km/h, a maximum range of 240km per trip, and a total weight of about 2,721kg. Bell, which plans to put Nexus into operation a few years later, has no battery to meet these needs. supply. But in fact, this 240km seems to be very far away, and it is even possible to travel back and forth from Beijing to Tianjin, which is very sufficient for the air taxis within the main city. But in fact, according to relevant US engineers, even a one-way trip of about 50km basically requires the aircraft to have 240km of life like the Nexus.
Because in addition to the distance of the mileage itself, the aircraft needs to hover in the air, fly to the passenger's starting point, return to the hangar / departure point / next takeoff point, etc., which is similar to the taxi's empty driving distance. And if there is no cooperation, the helipads of various roofs or airports will definitely not let these air taxis stop at the charging work, or if the weather in some areas cannot meet the take-off requirements, the aircraft needs to be Perform a certain empty hovering in the air.
Under the entire wing and the huge propeller, it is a cabin similar to the Bell Jet Ranger, which can take 4-5 people to meet the mainstream passenger demand. Nexus is primarily aimed at short-haul transport, with a greater emphasis on comfort, which is another reason why it adds a fixed wing, and passengers have a more similar experience to traditional business jets. Watch the video: This is not the brain of a startup company. Hot Bell is a veteran helicopter manufacturer established in 1935. Since the 1940s, it has produced helicopters for the military. The first tilt-rotor aircraft is the famous V-22. "Osprey" is also produced by Bell and Boeing. Since 2017, Bell has also become a supplier of Uber's future development of the UberAir air taxi program. Therefore, Nexus may also become Uber's first flying car.
(文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)